Resources & Mining

Oil & Gas

PCA supports businesses in the mining, oil and gas industries with purpose-engineered communications systems that deliver uninterrupted connectivity. With vast experience across these industries, our team can deliver system installation and management services smoothly, on time, and on budget without disrupting your operations.

Oil & Gas Project Communications

Pipeline Project Communications


As a proud member of the Australian Pipeline and Gas Association (APGA), PCA is skilled in delivering communications systems solutions to the pipeline industry. Our technicians understand the complexities of rapid, remote and longline pipelines, and have a range of tailored solutions to establish safe and reliable communications for our customers in this industry.


PCA is an experienced provider of communications solutions across the iron ore, coal, and mineral mining industries. We help our mining clients to achieve increased productivity, improved site safety, and greater connectivity no matter where they’re located.

Mining Project Communications

Resources Project Communications


As an innovation partner in the resources sector, PCA is uniquely placed to provide advanced network, entertainment, and communications solutions to remote and challenging environments. We can scale and adapt your communications to support your business towards prosperity in the changing economy, keeping you connected no matter where you’re located.

Contact one of our experts today to find the right solution for your industry…